Welcome back to the Beer O’Clock podcast & for once it hasn’t been a long time between drinks! This is a quick wrap up post, so that you’re all able to find the episodes from Thailand that you’re looking for.
Day 1
Short and sharp. Introduction to what we’re doing in Thailand & wrap up of our first night.
Day 2
Wrap up of the first day at SEA Brew. We discuss our interview with Brad Hannam from Crazy Carabao in the Philippines. Spoke to a heap of hop producers, including a fascinating chat with the guys from Hmezad in Slovenia. Teased a whole heap of interviews that were hopefully lined up for the following day.
After a chat with Erik from Magpie Brewery we thought we’d throw a question out to you guys. What would you like to see from a Korean Brewery exporting to Australia? Most importantly; what would make you buy it a second time? The best answer/thought will win a little prize pack from us.
Day 3
Wrap of the second & final day of SEA Brew. Previewed Dylan’s future life when he moves to Bangkok & starts a Year of the Local style 7/11 podcast. Ran through the interviews we conducted, which you can find here if you’re looking for any of those. Forecast a few interviews we hope to get done in the coming months. Key takeaways from SEA Brew. Our take on one of the best little bars I’ve been to in a while; Dok Kaew House Bar.
If you’re interested in Luke Corbin’s book you can buy that here – https://silkwormbooks.com/products/heritage-drinks-of-myanmar

Day 4
It’s a regulation heavy podcast today! Loads of Hyper Market chat! Thailand Brew Fest review. The Londoner Brewpub. Little order from Beer Force Asia.
Day 5/6
Dylan was a little sick which saw Angus host this episode and 2 days get combined into 1. We talk about our experience wading through water to get to Chitbeer, the original Thai Craft Brewery. We also talk about our wonderful visit to MITR Brewery & the fantastic hospitality the owners of Devanom Brewery showed us. Did you know that hops grow in Thailand? Huge thanks to Meng Chao, of Smith Street Taps, for the invite – it was one of the coolest things we did in Thailand. We also went to Beer Republic, amongst other places.
Thanks again for listening guys. Please like, subscribe, review us on your podcast platform of choice – everything helps more people find the show. As usual; questions, comments, suggestions or general statements to angus@beeroclockaustralia.com or dylan@beeroclockaustralia.com & we’ll be back soon, with any luck! Don’t forget to get your comments in re: Magpie Brewery for your chance to win some Thai Craft Beer &/or Beer O’Clock Australia merch!
Remember it’s always Beer O’Clock somewhere in the world!