- Country: Vietnam
- Style: American Adjunct Lager
- ABV: 4.5%
- Serving Type: 330ml Bottle
- Price: Inexpensive
The climate in Vietnam makes it an ideal country to drink beer in; it’s hot and humid. All you need in a climate like that is something wet, having sampled Halida before I can tell you that this beer is not only wet, it’s actually pretty decent.
My boss is Vietnamese and so it seems odd to me that I don’t have a Halida glass lying around. He doesn’t drink but if we ever go out to lunch at a Vietnamese restaurant I have to have one of these beers. It’s quite rare I review a beer I drink regularly, other than in the fridge regular section, so this will be an experience.
As American Adjunct Lagers go the pour really is excellent. The colour is a pale straw colour with a nice tight white head on top. There is adequate looking carbonation but this does help with the head retention as it disipates quickly back to just a ring. The ring actually leaves a bit of lacing, which is always nice. It’s a pretty stereotypical looking “beer”.
Vietnam’s national beer smells of slightly sweet malts with some grassy hops thrown in for good measure. There’s a little bit of a yeasty smell but really there is not a huge nose here to report on. I think I say this with almost every tropical lager, the lack of nose really doesn’t matter as long as it’s not unpleasant! Nothing is fine for this style of beer.
This beer is exactly what I look for in a beer from a tropical climate. It has a reasonably sweet malt base with a citrus touch that is somewhat unexpected. Halida has a surprisingly crisp bite from some grassy hops, which help to balance this beer very nicely. It feels clean and crisp when you’re drinking it and if served ice cold, it’s absolutely delicious!
This is a very drinkable lager, it’s highly highly sessionable and would be a sensational beer anytime it’s hot and/or humid. If you are after a highly technical lager this is definitely not the one for you. Halida is a cheap beer that is also surprisingly good when served with spicy Vietnamese food, this also extends to curry so if you are after a cheap beer for curry nights this wouldn’t be a bad option. It’s a very serviceable beer, which has a variety of uses, if you haven’t had it yet grab some if you see it at the price it can’t hurt!
Remember it’s always Beer O’Clock somewhere in the world!