G’day guys,

I’m back from Europe now and ready to get stuck into some more proper reviews. I’ve got a heap of darker beers stockpiled for what’s left of winter and also plenty of fresh IPA and new releases. But before we get onto that I though we should just quickly let you all know how your favourite segments are going and if there’s any updates to come soon.

European Beer Challenge – After returning from a successful European trip, there are only 4 beers remaining in the challenge that started it all on Beer O’Clock Australia! Armenia, Faroe Islands, Kazakhstan and Liechtenstein.
Et Ceterbeer – Our reader named segment, it deals with most of the ales review on Beer O’Clock and with my love of IPA’s you know there will be more to come!
EURO 2012 – This segment finished with the culmination of the 2012 European Championships. To answer your questions; there may be a 2014 FIFA World Cup one but it would be different.
Macro Lagers – Almost every country in the world makes a lager and this segment tries to sample the more exotic ones. I have one lined which may be the next review.

The Dark Side – The segment for the thick and dark stuff. It’s winter time in Australia so expect a few updates here soon.
Summer Fruit Beers – This segment will probably pickup more in Summer. Very few breweries release fruit beers in Winter.

Beer O’Clock on Tour – Country reviews from my latest trip. This segment will be shelved until my next overseas trip, whenever that may be.
Great Beer Styles – Lately this has almost become the Red Duck review segment of the blog. It showcases the best and weirdest styles of beer that the world has to offer.

True Brew – The most comprehensive review of the Australian macro scene anywhere (I’m not 100% sure that’s a good thing)! There will be an update here soon.
Fridge Regulars – I only realized today that I haven’t updated this segment in over a year. I will endeavour to change that at some point…
Trappist Beer – Still holds the title as the first completed challenge on Beer O’Clock Australia. I have plenty of Trappist beers in the cupboard to be drunk soon.

World’s Best Beer Contender – Beers that are hugely hyped find there way into this segment. I don’t think there’s anything on the horizon at the moment.
The Great Bottle vs. Can Debate – One of my favourite segments to do, this will definitely return when I find the appropriate beer.
Oktoberfest Beers – Clearly this has been forgotten about a little… Hopefully come September/October I will revistit this.
Abstrakt – Here Richo and I sample BrewDog’s Abstrakt range. AB:05 review is just waiting on us to combine our 2 pieces, shouldn’t be too long.

Roadies – Work permitting this segment should grow a bit in the next few months. I love visiting micro-breweries, I just need to remember to write about them!

So hopefully this answers everyone’s questions about what’s happening with their favourite segments. Keep the questions and suggestions coming at gus.norris7@gmail.com. I’m looking forward to getting back into some reviewing and I hope you’ll all be along to read it.

Remember it’s always Beer O’Clock somewhere in the world!