Welcome back to the Beer O’Clock podcast & for once it hasn’t been a long time between drinks! If this is your first time listening to a Beer O’Clock Australia podcast, welcome! This episode we interrupt regular (or is that irregular…) programing to bring you an interview with Charles Guerrier of Brew Asia. Brew Asia is celebrating their 10th Anniversary in Singapore in October this year & Beer O’Clock Australia will once again be on the ground. If you would like to join us, you can still register for the conference and find out all the details at: https://www.brew-asia.com/

Show Notes

Interview with Charles Guerrier, Managing Director of Brew Asia

Thanks to Charles for giving up his time on a weekday evening to chat to two overworked podcast hosts!

Thanks again for listening guys. Please like, subscribe, review us on your podcast platform of choice – everything helps more people find the show. As usual; questions, comments, suggestions or general statements to angus@beeroclockaustralia.com or dylan@beeroclockaustralia.com & we’ll be back soon, with any luck! Please let us know if you’re coming to Brew Asia and want to have a chat!

Remember it’s always Beer O’Clock somewhere in the world!