Welcome to 2015 on Beer O’Clock Australia! It’s hard to believe that this is the fourth full year for Beer O’Clock Australia and I’m sure it’s going to be the best yet! Anyway, here’s a quick update of where all of your favourite segments are at.
European Beer Challenge – Unfortunately there’s been no progress in the European Beer Challenge since July 2013! Armenia, Faroe Islands, Kazakhstan and Liechtenstein are the countries still evading me, if you know where to get any of them please let me know! | |
Et Ceterbeer – Et Ceterbeer has since less reviews since the introduction of the Untappd segment, although it is still the most posted in segment on Beer O’Clock Australia. | |
EURO 2012 – This segment finished with the culmination of the 2012 European Championships. The 2014 FIFA World Cup didn’t eventuate and the upcoming/on-going Asian Cup won’t either… | |
Macro Lagers – Lager lovers take note; I’ve got 4 lagers lined up for you and the reviews will be trickling through shortly. | |
The Dark Side – I’ve been trying to think why this segment, mostly for stouts, gets neglected so often. I haven’t been able to work it out – but I’m going to make a concerted effort to not let that happen this year. | |
Summer Fruit Beers – We’re up to 15 Fruit Beers that I’ve reviewed, I’m running out of unique options for this segment. | |
Beer O’Clock on Tour – Beer O’Clock on Tour will be making it’s return in June/July this year! A couple of the country’s I’ve reviewed before, but inevitably I’ll find something new to write about. | |
Great Beer Styles – I really love this segment, it’s a great place to find information about some of the less talked about/made styles of beer from around the world. This year I really want to find a Lichtenhainer or Grodziskie, but we’ll see how we go… | |
True Brew – The most comprehensive review of the Australian macro scene anywhere (I’m not 100% sure that’s a good thing)! There will be an update here soon. | |
Fridge Regulars – This segment has struggled a little with the introduction of the Untappd segment, as beers like Sixpoint Resin (which is always in the fridge) often get neglected… | |
Trappist Beer – Still holds the title as the first completed challenge on Beer O’Clock Australia. I have plenty of Trappist beers in the cupboard to be drunk (and hopefully reviewed) soon. | |
World’s Best Beer Contender – Beers that are hugely hyped find there way into this segment. I’m hoping to have something up in this segment very very soon. Hint – It’s an American Imperial IPA that’s recently found it’s way (air-freighted no less!) to our shores! | |
The Great Bottle vs. Can Debate – One of my favourite segments to do, this will definitely return when I find the appropriate beer. | |
Oktoberfest Beers – Clearly this is still a segment that has been/is neglected. I hope to review the Augustiner Oktoberfest beer shortly – although it is over 3 years since the last post! | |
Abstrakt – With Richo and I both getting busier and busier it’s been far too long since we sat down and had a proper wanky beer session. Will have to try and fit in a few Abstrakt’s this year. Finger’s crossed we’ll get some done. | |
Out of Office – Roadies has run it’s course; but never fear it’s still here just in a new guise. Out of Office is it’s name and already has it’s first post! Some of you may have noticed the Prancing Pony review from earlier this year… | |
Untappd – One of the largest segments on Beer O’Clock Australia now. Untappd is my favourite beer app and I try and review every badge beer I get, whether it be in full or catchup form. There will be plenty more of these to come! | |
Alphabet Challenge Revisited – After a long hiatus while Gambrinus was proving hard to find, the Alphabet Challenge Revisited will be back with a vengeance in 2015! Halida from Vietnam is next up! | |
Bear Club – The segment devoted to Australia’s best craft beer club, Tru Bru’s Bear Club will continue in 2015. Beer O’Clock Australia is still the only place where you can find musings on every beer ever offered to the Bear Club! |
There we go, this took far longer than I would have hoped – but life (and too many beers!) got in the way. Now it’s time to really kick start 2015, hopefully this answers all of the questions that you guys have had about your favourite segment, I promise I’ll get round to replying to all of your emails soon! That said keep any questions and suggestions of things you’d like to see coming to gus.norris7@gmail.com and I’ll do my best to answer them.
Remember it’s always Beer O’Clock somewhere in the world!