Cider, United States, Untappd REVIEW: WOODCHUCK AMBER CIDER Untappd: Woodchuck Day (2015) Badge STATS Country: United States Style: Cider ABV: 5.0% Serving Type: 355ml Bottle Price: Angus Posted on February 22, 2015
American Adjunct Lager, American Black Ale, American Pale Ale, Australia, Germany, Hefeweizen, Saison, Scotland, United States, Untappd UNTAPPD CATCHUP 19 Untappd Catchup Here we are, back again with another Untappd Catchup. I’m resigned to the fact that there will be many more Angus Posted on February 17, 2015
American Red Ale, Australia, Untappd REVIEW: PRANCING PONY INDIA RED ALE Untappd: Brew Bowl XLIX Badge STATS Country: Australia Style: American Red Ale ABV: 7.9% Serving Type: 500ml Bottle Price: Angus Posted on February 1, 2015
American Adjunct Lager, American Brown Ale, American Pale Ale, Australia, Berliner Weissbier, Cider, England, India Pale Lager, Milk Stout, New Zealand, Russian Imperial Stout, United States, Untappd, Vietnam UNTAPPD CATCHUP 18 Untappd Catchup I was hoping not to have to do another of these Untappd Catchups for a while; but once again life, and far Angus Posted on January 30, 2015
American Adjunct Lager, American IPA, American Pale Ale, Australia, England, German Pilsner, Gose, Milk Stout, Netherlands, New Zealand, Russian Imperial Stout, Samoa, United States, Untappd, Witbier UNTAPPD CATCHUP 17 Untappd Catchup This was an inevitable Untappd Catchup. With Christmas and then preparing for a big work trip to Adelaide I Angus Posted on January 19, 2015
American IPA, American Pale Ale, Australia, English Brown Ale, Italy, New Zealand, Russian Imperial Stout, Smoked Beer, Untappd UNTAPPD CATCHUP 16 Untappd Catchup Christmas time has caught up with me! By now you guys probably realize that means it’s time for an Untappd Angus Posted on December 24, 2014
American IPA, American Pale Lager, Australia, England, English Barley Wine, English Porter, Hefeweizen, New Zealand, Untappd UNTAPPD CATCHUP 15 Untappd Catchup We’re back in catch-up mode again after the big Untappd badge update. Bit of a shame that I can’t give all Angus Posted on December 7, 2014
American Wild Ale, Australia, Untappd REVIEW: HOLY SNAPPIN’ TURTLES Untappd: Pucker Up (Level 11) Badge STATS Country: Australiat Style: American Wild Ale ABV: 9.6% Serving Type: 355ml Bottle Angus Posted on December 2, 2014
American Adjunct Lager, American Imperial IPA, American IPA, American Pale Ale, American Wild Ale, Australia, Belgium, English Porter, New Zealand, Saison, United States, Untappd, Weizenbock UNTAPPD CATCHUP 14 Untappd Catchup With the recent Untappd leveling update, those who’ve missed it can read about it here, I imagine there’s Angus Posted on November 22, 2014
Australia, Russian Imperial Stout, Untappd REVIEW: BIG ‘N BEARDY Untappd: Stout Day 2014 Badge STATS Country: Australia Style: Russian Imperial Stout ABV: 9.8% Serving Type: 375ml Bottle Angus Posted on November 14, 2014