Euro Pale Lager, Macro Lager, Morocco REVIEW: CASABLANCA Macro Lager STATS Country: Morocco Style: Euro Pale Lager ABV: 5.0% Serving Type: 330ml Bottle Price: Inexpensive As I Angus Posted on July 16, 2015
Beer O'Clock on Tour, France EUROTRIP 2015 – FRANCE (PART 3) Beer O’Clock on Tour Day 5 at the Villa rolled around and there was still plenty of good beers to keep me happy. We’d even Angus Posted on July 16, 2015
Beer O'Clock on Tour, France EUROTRIP 2015 – FRANCE (PART 2) Beer O’Clock on Tour A very long, hot bus trip later we arrived at the villa we would be staying at for the best part of the Angus Posted on July 16, 2015