Old Slang Brewing launched their first, and to date only beer, in October 2019. It’s a contract operation started by former Footscray native Sam Wills after he & his family moved to the Central Victorian town of Chewton, just outside Castlemaine. For years Sam has been the paediatric physio at Western Health & has become widely known in the medical community for his work with Ehler’s Danlos Syndrome.
He’d been a passionate homebrewer for about 8 years, a member of the prominent Melbourne homebrew club Westgate Brewers, before a signifcant life change made him re-evaluate what he wanted from life & made him take the plunge. Sam was diagnosed with MS in 2018. The idea to launch Old Slang came with a desire for Sam to travel less for work, despite moving to Chewton he still works part-time at Sunshine Hospital – about a 3 hour round trip.

Brewery Type
Brewed At: Brookes


Tasting Room
The brand’s name represents its ethos. They’re hoping to utilize the great Aussie slang that is being less & less widely used & attach it to a product most people understand; beer. They aim to brew beers that everyone can enjoy, whilst still having a bit of fun with it & hopefully introducing more people to some wonderfully descriptive imagery.
The first batch was brewed at Brookes Beer in the closest city, Bendigo. If things all go to plan & Old Slang takes off, Sam hopes to one day have a brewpub-like taproom in the nearby town of Castlemaine & provide for competition for local brewer Shedshaker – hopefully driving both on to bigger & better things!
The only beer I’m able to review is their Fresh As A Daisy Pale Ale. It’s a classic American Pale Ale, almost a peak back in time 10 years. It’s got this slightly sweet biscuity malt, with punchy hops providing orange & tropical notes. I’d be staggered to find out that Sierre Nevada wasn’t the inspiration for this beer! I’m looking forward to seeing what’s next for Old Slang.
Remember it’s always Beer O’Clock somewhere in the world!