This is going to be a relatively short one guys. I’ve contacted the Hairy Oak Brewing guys a few times over the last 18 months & have only been able to get a few details out of them. Instead preferring to wait a while before telling their story. It’s a shame, as they’re making some nice beers & I would’ve liked to tell their story in more detail.

Brewery Type
Brewed At: Watts River, Bodriggy

South Eastern Suburbs

Tasting Room

Their only packaged product to date is their flagship Session Ale. It’s a 4.2% Golden Ale, with some biscuity malts & light citrus hop character. It’s very easy drinking, the sort of beer you’d have no issue bringing over to your mates place who doesn’t drink craft beer. Hopefully I’ll be able to expand this post in the future, but for now that’s Hairy Oak Brewing!
With that said; Hairy Oak is a gypsy brand from the South Eastern Suburbs of Melbourne. Their first batch of beer was brewed at Watts River Brewing in Healesville, whilst scaled up versions of their Session Ale have been brewed at Bodriggy in Abbotsford. They’re hoping to open a brewery in the Casey/Cardinia area down the track. I have been able to confirm that they’ve, so far at least, survived the COVID pandemic, & subsequent Melbourne lockdown period, & intend to do another can release post-COVID.
Remember it’s always Beer O’Clock somewhere in the world!